WenLin Chinese School is celebrating after its students achieved top results for Chinese Proficiency Tests, continuing its tradition of examination success.
A total of 39 students sat the exams and all of them successfully passed the YCT2, YCT3, YCT4, HSK 3 and HSK 4 Chinese Proficiency tests, taken in October. Several students excelled, receiving top marks.
Commenting on the results, Haiyun Wang, Principal and Founder of WenLin Chinese School said: “Congratulations to each and every one of our students for their outstanding exam success. All of our teachers are very proud of their achievements and how far they have come and we are already looking forward to the next exams.”
The HSK (Hanyu Shuiping Kaoshi) is an internationally recognised examination aimed at assessing the Chinese language proficiency of non-native speakers to communicate in Chinese in daily lives, academic and work settings. The YCT (Youth Chinese Test) is an international standardised test of Chinese language proficiency, assessing the primary and middle school students' abilities to use Chinese as a second language in their daily and academic lives.